Dr. Batllés has assisted with the advanced course for non surgical facial rejuvenation with deep peeling with phenol given by the renowned Belgian dermatologist Philippe Deprez.
Dr. Deprez, established in Spain for over 30 years, has dedicated his professional activity to the development and protocol of the cutaneal rejuvenation with chemical peeling, and especially to the half peeling and deep peeling with TCA and phenol, developing his own pharmaceutical laboratory (SKIN-TECH) for the elaboration of formulas and protocols internationally renowned for their great efficiency and safety.

The course, with limited places (only 9), is offered only to professionals with prepared formation and was celebrated on the 13th and 14th of January 2014 in the Clínica Hera of EmpuriaBrava, Gerona, Spain, where Dr. Deprez attends to patients from all over the world. During the course, they have revised the theory-practical bases of the deep peeling with phenol-croton which has been used for treatments in patients for perioral and periocular rejuvenation.
El Dr. José Manuel Batllés, who in the past years has centered his training in non surgical treatments which complement the aesthetic surgical procedures carried out on his patients, was the only Spaniard who assisted with this prestigious course. The assisting colleagues with whom he had the great honor to share these sessions with were: Dra. Sandra Peric from Croatia, Dr. Kim Manuels and Dr. Jani van Lohem from Holland, Dra. Regina Sosoaka from Romania, Dra. Simona Blidar from Italy, Dra. Uliana Gout from England and Dra. Yan Yutskovskaya from Russia.

The rejuvenation with deep phenol peeling is the most effective existing technique for the cutaneal rejuvenation in advanced ageing, superior to resurfacing with CO2 laser which has achieved so much fame in the past years. Only when using the peeling technique can you achieve truly incredible results.
It can be used for rejuvenating all or part of the face. It is especially indicated for the treatment of the famous `bar code area’ with excellent long lasting results. As it happens, this is the only treatment which fully eliminates this type of ageing when compared to other treatments which can only reduce or camouflage it.
A very well known case of advanced facial rejuvenation complete with phenol peeling was Mrs. Fernandez de la Vega, where the combination of lifting surgery and deep peeling performed by trained professionals, gave as a result, the change we all expected.
Dr. José Manuel Battlés, as director of IMCF, would like to publicly thank Dr. Deprez and Dra. Ranneva, and all their team for their clinical and educational vocation and for all the knowledge and experience transmitted which without a doubt, will benefit our patients.
Thank you very much!